Overview: Rebranding Alice for Money 20/20

Alice Financial is a FinTech B2B company funded by the Robin Hood Foundation that enables the most financially fragile to take advantage of common tax write offs sophisticated investors use every single day.

As their product offering grew, so did the need to develop a comprehensive strategy to approach a bigger, more sophisticated market. With the deadline of Money 20/20 fast approaching, where the CEO was going to present alongside the CEOs of Betterment and Zenefits, we dove in and retooled every component of their sales and marketing machine.


  1. Led the messaging and collateral rebrand (website, sales and CS support material)
  2. Deconstructed and rebuilt the sales pitch from tactical to aspirational
  3. Trained and coached the outbound team on best practices (cold calling, email templates, demoing and account management handoff)
  4. Booked meetings with target category leaders, creating opportunities 5-10x larger than current ACV